Hey you guys! it certainly hasn't been an ordinary day today... It was kind of melancholic and I, all day long, caught myself thinking about the old times.

One of the sweetest memories I have from my early teen years is watching this show - Blossom. I Remember I used to love it, and I wouldn't miss it for the world. Most of the girls my age have probably felt the same.

By watching some episodes I got to look back to my past with a totally different perspective - not of a teen going through all of those typical situations anymore, but kind of like the grown up - which was weird, by the way.

Then, and this part some people might consider even more nonsense than watchin Blossom, I decided to watch it with a third look: the English teacher one. This show is so familiar to me that I hadn't stopped to think about the fact that when I first watched it it was not in English.

Take some time and watch it: you're either identify with it or remember some good old days. And if neither happen, you're going to have the chance to learn some good idioms and more.

After watching, answer some comprehension questions just to make sure you, besides understanding the situation as a whole, also got all of the details.

My point should already be crystal clear by now. However, let me point some things out once again: I've just done what I've been bugging you guys to do. And what is it? Studying real English, choosing that topic, show, song, or whatever that interests you and study it. When you do something with pleasure you not only work your intellectual brain, but also your emotional brain; by doing it you're more likely to retain information and enjoy studying. Better yet: it's probably going to hit you that studying can be, and should be, all about having fun. I'm not just saying it, I mean it. It does work.

Oh, and it's never too much to say: count on me! If YOU had suggested a video, I'd now be posting some questions to help YOU out with something of YOUR interest.

Watch the video, have some fun and learn some English! Click on "Read More" to watch it and do the exercise.

I hope you've enjoyed watching it as much as I did! Interested in watching the second part and doing a related exercise? Let me know!

There is much we could talk about based on this video... I'd very much appreciate discussing this topic with you, so... All you've got to do is letting me know you're interested!