Hey there!

Here you have some of the words / expressions we need to use next class:

Song Vocabulary
  • Find (yourself) stuck in the middle of the sea, to
  • Find (yourself) lost in the dark, to
  • Help (someone) in need, to
  • Count on (someone), to
  • Be supposed to (do something), to
  • Toss and turn, to
  • Fall asleep, to

Text Vocabulary
  • Be allowed to, to
  • Come back to, to
  • Time and again (adv.)
  • At the top of my list
  • Peppy (adj.)
  • Sorority (n.)
  • Wrap (my) head around (something), to
  • As much as I like…
  • I’ve always been someone who (past participle)…
  • Seek out, to
  • … has / have been a constant in (my) life.
  • Indulge in, to
  • Mandatory (adj.)
  • Otherwise
  • Be friends with, to
  • Coed (adj.)
  • Deal with people’s differences, to
  • On the flipside / on the downside
  • Forge bonds with, to
  • Ride-or-die friends
  • Stick together, to
  • Profound (adj.)

Task 1: click here to do a listening activity related to the song we saw last class. I believe you can already do intermediate level. Do no cheat! Do not check the lyrics! ;o)

Task 2: another listening activity. This is a BBC listening activity on your level, related to the topic we started discussing - friendship / important people. Click here to do the exercise - make sure you follow all of the steps.

Task 3: select at lest 10 new words / expressions to use confidently next class.

Task 4: do the TOEIC exercise and let me know if you could identify the problems and if you know what the correction is.