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E aí, está tendo que lidar com as alterações de humor de alguém? Lidar com a TPM (nossa, da namorada, da irmã, da chefe...) não é fácil, pior ainda quando não entendemos o que está acontecendo!

Leia esse pequeno texto e saiba como amenizar os sintomas - recomende para todas as mulheres que conhecer!

E aí, descobriu como falar TPM em inglês?

O legal é que da para aprender muitas outras palavras relacionadas ao tema!

Como será...
- inchado (a)
- retenção de líquido
- menstruação
- temperametnal
- variação de humor
... em inglês?

Descobriu as respostas? Escreva-me! Compartilhe também suas outras descobertas. Só continue lendo depois de fazer as suas anotações, OK? Assim podemos compará-las.

Here is what I considered worth highlighting - related to the topic. Also, the sentences I wrote on my lexical notebookit's a lot easier to remember something in context than being part of a list, either you've got the translation or not.

* cycle: I've got a regular cycle just because I've been on the pill for a while.
* extrabloated: I know I'm extrabloated when my fingers feel too big for my fingers.
* PMS: I don't get PMS on the days leading up to my period week because I'm on the pill.
* trigger: Even though I know caffeine can trigger mood swings, I don't avoid drinking Coke or coffee on the days leading up to my period week.

* severe symptoms: Her Symptoms were so severe she thought she was going to die.
* period week: I do everything I normally do on my period week, even swimming.

* leave supermoody: When I am supermoody my boyfriend already knows that I'm getting my PMS.

Chunks of Language:
* get bad PMS: I haven't gotten bad PMS since I've been on the pill.
* cause water retention: They say I get extrabloated because on the days leading up to my period week I consume as much salt as I usually do, which I shouldn't keep doing.

Do you know any other chunks related to this topic? Share them!
Do you want to read a more advanced article about it, and also listen to the audio? Click here!