Is there anything better than having a blast to get over a broken heart?

If you've ever felt that nothing was more important than seizing the moment, here is a cool song for you!

Click on the picture, do the activity... Sing along! Then come back and share your discoveries. 

Which cool chunks are you going to start using from now on? What have you learned from the song? 

Keep reading when you're done doing your part!

Here are the cool chunks I selected for us along with my examples

* to go with the flow:
- It's way easier to go with the flow when you don't know what to do. You just do what everybody else is doing. 
- Don't be ashamed! Feel the music and go with the flow. everybody can dance.

Phrasal verbs:
* to be over someone: 
- I only discovered I was really over him when a guy at work asked me out and I said yes, without even thinking about Lucas.
* to hang on:
- I'm over waiting; hanging on is no longer an option - if you loved me you'd have made it crystal clear by now.
* to throw away:
- All of those stuffed animals you gave my on our anniversaries are now nowhere to be seen. Throwing them away was the best thing I've done in weeks.

* to be all about something:
- Just because you're going to college now you think it's all about studying and getting good grades.
* we've been working all week:
- I've been studying and working all week, I think I deserve a break!